Did you know that HEMP ...

  •  ... can always be grown ecologically? And is an environmentally friendly alternative for cotton that absorbes pesticides and wood from our primeval forests?

  • ... produces about four times more raw fiber than trees?

  • ... is stronger, keeps its shape more and is more durable than cotton?

  • One T-shirt made of 55% hemp and 45% organic cotton, can save more than 2500 litres (usually drinkable) water compared to one T-shirt made from 100% common cotton?

  • ... has a higher absorption capacity. Hemp clothing has the advantage that it can "breathe", this keeps you warm in the winter and ' cooler ' in the summer.

  • There are more than 25,000 products that can be made from hemp including paper, textiles, paint, food, drinks, body care, building materials & eco-plastics, polymers, oils,...?

  •  ... grows almost everywhere, also in Asia and Africa where many people live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition?

  • ... was used in the 1920s for up to 80% of the clothing and textile production?

  • seeds are extremely nutritious? They are rich in proteins, omega 3-6-9 and vitamin B!

  • ,...

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